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  • Writer's pictureSadika Farooqui

Hair Transplant in Dubai

Hair loss affects both men and women and there can be several reasons for it. It can be a matter of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, medications, radiation therapy or stress etc. Losing hair on a daily basis is very heartbreaking for any individual. Therefore, people are always on the lookout for effective hair restoration techniques. Hair restoration techniques have changed a lot with time. With the latest advancements, you now have a variety of techniques to restore your hair. One such technique is Hair Transplant Dubai. How is the hair transplant done? Hair transplant is a surgical hair restoration technique in which hair are taken from the back and sides of your scalp and transplanted to the area that needs hair. There are two methods of performing hair transplantation which include;

  • FUT hair transplant

  • FUE hair transplant

FUE Hair Transplant It involves extracting hair grafts with the help of a punch tool without cutting any strip. The hair grafts obtained are then inserted into the targeted area. It is less invasive as compared to FUT and does not leave a noticeable scar. FUT Hair Transplant It involves cutting a strip of hair from the back of your head and obtaining grafts from that strip which are then inserted into the recipient area. The whole procedure results in a noticeable scar and stitches are also used. Which technique is suitable for you? Hair transplant is an effective hair restoration technique that gives long-lasting results. However, which type of hair transplant is right for you whether FUT or FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai? It can be decided only by a hair transplant surgeon. He/she will examine your condition and will suggest the best-suited option. You need to follow all the instructions given by your surgeon if you want to have successful results. Therefore, choose a board-certified hair transplant surgeon. Visit Bizrahmed and enquire about the Hair Transplant cost in Dubai today.

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